Welcome to the Wonderful World of Ukulele Fun
Tony with instructor Maggie the Goldendoodle
Hi! I am Tony Anthonisen.
I am a ukulele player and one of the organizers and jam leaders of the Twin Cities Ukulele Club. There, I have said it. The uke is a wonderful instrument - a real instrument that brings a ton of fun to those who play it!
I am a ukulele player and one of the organizers and jam leaders of the Twin Cities Ukulele Club. There, I have said it. The uke is a wonderful instrument - a real instrument that brings a ton of fun to those who play it!
Uke-4-Fun.com is where you will discover the world of ukulele fun stuff in the Twin Cities. Some say the uke is not appropriate for much other than Hawaiian music. I say that if it sounds good to you, and if it is fun for you, do it. Do an "all uke" bluegrass or Americana jam for a ton of fun!
Throughout this website, items in blue are usually links.
Learn to play your ukulele.
Want our Twin Cities Ukulele Club players to perform for your group? Go to www.tcucgigs.com.
Twin Cities Ukulele Club Calendar - www.tcukeclubcalendar.com
Ukulele "Stuff" - Info about a great ukulele movie, ukulele books, websites, instructors, uke jamming pointers and more!
What you need to play ukulele and to jam with others
Buying a Uke & Ukulele Resources
Why I Like to Play the Ukulele - what playing the uke means to me - Find out what ukulele players of all skill levels think about playing the uke
Twin Cites Uke Club - The TC Uke Club has many uke jams and group lessons every month. For beginner to expert ukulele players. Join us for 2 Monday, 2 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday singing and ukulele playing jams.
Why I Like Twin Cities Ukulele Club Jams - Check out why ukulele players like jamming with the Twin Cities Ukulele Club.
Other Ukulele Clubs in the Area
Questions - [email protected]
Learn to play your ukulele.
Want our Twin Cities Ukulele Club players to perform for your group? Go to www.tcucgigs.com.
Twin Cities Ukulele Club Calendar - www.tcukeclubcalendar.com
Ukulele "Stuff" - Info about a great ukulele movie, ukulele books, websites, instructors, uke jamming pointers and more!
What you need to play ukulele and to jam with others
Buying a Uke & Ukulele Resources
Why I Like to Play the Ukulele - what playing the uke means to me - Find out what ukulele players of all skill levels think about playing the uke
Twin Cites Uke Club - The TC Uke Club has many uke jams and group lessons every month. For beginner to expert ukulele players. Join us for 2 Monday, 2 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday singing and ukulele playing jams.
Why I Like Twin Cities Ukulele Club Jams - Check out why ukulele players like jamming with the Twin Cities Ukulele Club.
Other Ukulele Clubs in the Area
Questions - [email protected]
Why play ukulele? Because . . .