Tough Ukuleles >>> Durable Ukes
Want a go anywhere, any time, any weather Tough Ukulele?
Many people consider wood ukuleles to be the best ukuleles. However, what is best? Best sounding? Best size? Best price? Best appearance? Best durability? Or what????
I mention durability because that is a major concern for most ukulele players. Will this ukulele hold up when I ____________?!? You fill in the blank. |
Best sound, size, price, and appearance are generally personal items.
On this Twin Cities Ukulele Club webpage, let's take a look at what our jammers are playing and saying about their "durable" ukes.
Durable = Tough = Wood or What? - THE most durable ukuleles are in almost all cases NOT made of wood. We know that laminate wood (plywood) is more durable than solid wood. However, the most durable ukuleles are made of something other than either wood laminate or solid wood. Read on and see what that may be . . .!
On this Twin Cities Ukulele Club webpage, let's take a look at what our jammers are playing and saying about their "durable" ukes.
Durable = Tough = Wood or What? - THE most durable ukuleles are in almost all cases NOT made of wood. We know that laminate wood (plywood) is more durable than solid wood. However, the most durable ukuleles are made of something other than either wood laminate or solid wood. Read on and see what that may be . . .!
Enya Loaner/Demonstrator Ukuleles - Enya Nova U ukuleles are among the highest rated "Tippy Canoe Tough" ukuleles. Would you like to try one? Enya has given a number of their Nova U concert size ukuleles to the Twin Cities Ukulele Club to use as loaners and demonstrators. Click here for more details on trying one of these Enya ukuleles.
Tippy Canoe Tough vs. Campground Tough
No all-wood ukuleles allowed!
Electronics (pickups, tuners, etc.) Beware!
Electronics (pickups, tuners, etc.) Beware!
Tippy Canoe Tough - These are ukuleles that can fall in the water when the canoe tips over. They are likely to survive a knock on the rocks when you are dumped from the canoe. Play them on the dock or diving raft with no fears. They are wood free!
Campground Tough - These are ukuleles that can survive some banging around. They are likely to survive a fall from your picnic table. They will most likely tolerate some water being spilled on them occasionally but they won't like going for a swim! Wood and water don't mix in the long term life of a ukulele with any wood parts.
Tough Ukulele Prices - From $49 to over $1500.
IMPORTANT Tough Ukulele Considerations - 1. Ukuleles with electronic parts should not get wet! Just do a quick Google search for "what happens when instrument electronics get wet." The results will be helpful. 2. Metal parts need lubrication if they get wet, and even if they don't. Not too much. But, certainly a very light amount. Click here for an excellent article on tuner machine lubrication.
Twin Cities Ukulele Club Jammers with Tough ukuleles rated them during Spring 2020 with updates in Fall 2021 - More than 30 Twin Cities Ukulele Club jammers responded. Their ratings are below.
If you would like a pdf legal size copy of these rating with Pluses, Minuses, Review Links and Brand Websites, click on the button below to open and print this pdf document.
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